Is it necessary to have some basic knowledge of algorithms and datastructures in order to be a good programmer?
The short answer, yes, absolutely. This is a follow up to my previous blog post where I claimed that you don't need to know advanced algorithms by heart in order to be a good programmer. That is still totally true. However, you should have at least some basic understanding of algorithms and data structures. Having this knowledge will help you select the correct tools for the job, for example knowing when to use a stack over a queue, when a linked list is a better selection than an array, when to use a hashset, or a dictionary, and so on. This will help you write easier and more robust code. It is also a really good idea to have some feeling for how your code will perform when input data grows. How will memory consumption and running time be effected if the input data grows by a factor 100, or 1000? This knowledge will help you identify performance bottlenecks in your application and help you come up with ideas on how to attack them. So, if you haven't done it already, ta...