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Visar inlägg från november, 2017

Clean Code

While I am awaiting the Clean Architecture book (the online bookstore I usually buy from was out of stock) I will sweep through Clean Code yet another time. Now that I have been working exclusively with OOP for 1.5 years it will probably be more rewarding to read it than it was the last time, when most of the code I wrote was procedural. I am confident that there are are many ideas in Clean Code that I can apply at work to make our code easier to understand and work with on a day to day basis.

Clean Architecture

I have just ordered a copy of Robert C. Martin's (Uncle Bob) latest book,  Clean Architecture . I firmly believe that a professional software developer should be able to solve complex software tasks, write clean and highly maintainable code, AND have a good understanding of the system's architecture. Unfortunately I have a large knowledge gap when it comes to software architecture, sure I am aware of different architectures like the layered architecture, the now so popular microservice architecture, event driven architecture, and so on. But my experience in this area is that someone with the title "Software Architecture" draws a lot of diagrams on he thinks that the system should work and then the development teams implements it the way they want it without paying much attention to the diagrams. Here I think that both the architectures and the developers need to improve. The architectures should be part of the development team and involved in the daily day-to-day ...

Dynamic Programming

Since last time I have been looking a bit at Dynamic Programming (DP) and in particular combinatorial optimization problems, for example  the Knapsack Problem  and the  Change-making problem . For those of you that are interested in learning more about DP check out GeeksforGeeks  resources on DP . Here you will find reading material plus a LOT of different practice problems.