Sad to say that I haven't been coding as much as I want to during the last weeks. There are a couple of reasons for this. One is that I have been sick. Three weeks straight of coughing and fewer that comes and goes. Terrible! You could think the reason for this is that I just sit on my butt all day coding. But that is not true. I actually have been training long distance running three times per week during the last year, aiming for completing a full marathon in 2019. Anyway, hopefully I will get well shortly and stay that way for some time now. The second reason for me not coding as much is that I have been working with bugfixing/support during the last month. It is not something that I, or anyone(?), enjoy doing for longer periods of time, but sometimes you just need to. So, not much to say about TDD this time. But I will stick with it. I am planning to do some of the more advanced Katas on Codewars or Hackerrank and those can be good candidates for TDD.