I have come to realize that I need some hands on practice on Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD). During the years I have read several books with good advice on how to design and structure your code for good abstraction and re-usability. But what good is theory that is not put into practice?
To get this going (again I should say. Had a good run down this road during the years 2011-2013, but that really needs refreshing) I have started with a Java Project "The Guitar Store" where I will put extra focus on doing a good design.
To get this going (again I should say. Had a good run down this road during the years 2011-2013, but that really needs refreshing) I have started with a Java Project "The Guitar Store" where I will put extra focus on doing a good design.
Varför kunde du inte nyttja dina kunskaper i record projektet? Vad ska The Guitar Store göra? Flera frågor dyker upp :)
SvaraRaderaNja, det har väl varit under utvecklingen av record-projektet som jag insett att jag behöver träna på att abstrahera och lösa upp kopplingar mellan klasser. Det här Guitar Store-projektet är hämtat ur en bok om just OOAD och syftar till att just träna på att få till en bra design.
RaderaNu är jag dock på nästa projekt, den automatiska hunddörren :).
Ojdå, här går det undan :)