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Time for a change of scenery

This week I quit my job. There are several reasons to my descision but the determining factor was that my current job wasn't going in the same direction as I want my career to go.

Moving on to another employer can be emotional. You can feel sad for leaving people you have become good friends with, it can feel a bit scary to move on to something you don't know that well, and at the same time it is exiting to explore something new. I have all these emotions. But I feel that I need to take this step.

I have been working pretty much for the same company since 2009, but the tasks have been very different and no single year has been the same as any other, hence I have learned a lot and as far as I know both fellow developers and managers agree that I have made a good contribution over the years. It has been a good cooperation between me and the company.

However, lately I have felt that my career isn't going in the direction I want it to. This has lead to my motivation dropping and I realized that I was no longer doing a really good job. I did talk to my manager about this and we discussed some alternatives, but finally I decided it was time to move on. Hanging on to the job was neither good for me or the company.

I did choose my new employer with care (they actually wanted me to come there on several occassions and meet with both managers and developers, I didn't have to ask for it myself). Am I pretty sure it will be awesome.


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