I have been using Windows on my main computer for some time now in order to be able to try out different C# stuff. However, despite Visual Studio being a real nice IDE I think Linux gives a better overall development experience.
To still be able to try out different C# stuff I have switched to Linux and installed .NET core and the Visual Studio Code IDE. Of course .NET core lacks a lot of functionality available in the complete .NET framework and Visual Studio Code is much less powerfull than the full fledged version. Still so far it feels sufficient for the tests I am writing outside of working hours. And it feels good to be back in Linux :).
To still be able to try out different C# stuff I have switched to Linux and installed .NET core and the Visual Studio Code IDE. Of course .NET core lacks a lot of functionality available in the complete .NET framework and Visual Studio Code is much less powerfull than the full fledged version. Still so far it feels sufficient for the tests I am writing outside of working hours. And it feels good to be back in Linux :).
Låter ju intressant! Min föräldraledighet går mot sitt slut (början av mars), men jag vet inte var jag hamnar än. Men en lunch borde vi väl kunna få till, eller?!?
SvaraRaderaHar du något tips på hur man kommer igång med C#, vore kul att kika på.
Tjo! När börjar du jobba igen, och var?
SvaraRaderaKomma igång med C#, hmm hmm, bäst är ju att göra något riktigt. Du skulle kunna börja med att följa en enkel tutorial - typ den här https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd492171.aspx - och få miljön på plats.