Ever wondered what version numbers on software really means? What is the difference between version 1.0.1 and 1.1.2? And what about version 1.9.2 vs version 2.0.5?
Well the truth is that there is no law that everyone has to follow, but if you are looking for some good guidelines and a specification that you can apply at your company, I suggest you take a look at http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html.
The Semantic Versioning Specification is a set of rules that describes how to handle the version numbers of your software. It describes when to bump each part of the number, and how to add information about alpha or beta status.
Even for components that are only used internally it is a good idea to have a common rule set regarding versioning. Only then does the version number really start to have meaning.
So next time you make a breaking change to the public API, be sure to increment the major version!
Well the truth is that there is no law that everyone has to follow, but if you are looking for some good guidelines and a specification that you can apply at your company, I suggest you take a look at http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html.
The Semantic Versioning Specification is a set of rules that describes how to handle the version numbers of your software. It describes when to bump each part of the number, and how to add information about alpha or beta status.
Even for components that are only used internally it is a good idea to have a common rule set regarding versioning. Only then does the version number really start to have meaning.
So next time you make a breaking change to the public API, be sure to increment the major version!
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