I spent the Friday evening coding an RSA key manager for Windows. What a great evening!
After spending quite some time reading up on cryptography in Windows I noticed that Windows have built in support for storing RSA keys securely in something called RSA Key Containers. However, there seems to be no tool available to actually manage these containers. Microsoft themselves refer to a tool called aspnet_regiis (WTF!?) for creating and exporting an RSA Key Container.
So, after spending a couple of hours behind the keyboard (Dvorak layout, VsVim in Visual Studio), I can now say a tool dedicated to creating, deleting, exporting and importing RSA Key Containers in Windows now exist.
After spending quite some time reading up on cryptography in Windows I noticed that Windows have built in support for storing RSA keys securely in something called RSA Key Containers. However, there seems to be no tool available to actually manage these containers. Microsoft themselves refer to a tool called aspnet_regiis (WTF!?) for creating and exporting an RSA Key Container.
So, after spending a couple of hours behind the keyboard (Dvorak layout, VsVim in Visual Studio), I can now say a tool dedicated to creating, deleting, exporting and importing RSA Key Containers in Windows now exist.
Ska du bli som Hans nu? Först Vim och nu Dvorak :-o
SvaraRaderaHar du skrivit till Microsoft och berättat att erics_regiis finns? ;)
Tvärt om. Först Dvorak och sedan Vim ;). Fast det tar ju bort lite av tjusningen när man måste lämna home row så mycket.
SvaraRaderaMicrosoft kan ladda toolet från Github om de vill. Och får gärna pusha ändringar. Tror nog inte de är så intresserade ;)